
“Remember again and again that the true pilgrimage is into the undiscovered land of your own imagination, which you could not have explored any other way than through these lands, with gratitude in your satchel and the compassion for all you see as your touchstone.
Recall the voice that spoke to Tolstoy in a dream at the end of his life: ‘See that you remember.'”

Philip Cousineau, The Art of Pilgrimage, page 226

It may seem odd, but I’m going to frame upcoming healthcare adventures as a pilgrimage. There is an irony of not going very far in miles and achieving more movement to walk.

I saw the X-Rays of my hips last week at the office of one of the orthopedic surgeons, and the images confirmed my increasing pain: both hips are pretty much shot and there are cysts. A definite recall by the manufacturer.

My intension is to share this process here and not on Facebook, so if you like to follow along, please add your email to this blog by using the box and Follow button in the right-hand column.

One thought on “Pilgrimage

  1. Hi Landon — so sorry this adventure seems to be going sideways — I’m Treating for you to have a perfect solution!
    Blessings, Angelica


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